10 Tips For Throwing A Fantastic Bonfire Night Party
1. Create Your Dream Guest List
The best party planners focus on the guest list. When you position your guests at the front and centre of your plans you are on your way to a fabulous night. All decisions will fall effortlessly into place.
2. Strategically Pick Your Date
Firework fans are blessed these days as Bonfire Night has morphed into Bonfire Night Season. For 2019 there will be firework displays and events from Friday the 1st of November to Sunday the 10th of November.
Scan your local displays with your guests in mind. There are a lot of competing events over the Bonfire Night Season, you do not want to pick a night that clashes with your groups favourite display. If you live in the Bracknell / Wokingham area, for instance, you would not want to throw your party the same night as the Ascot Fireworks Spectacular Family Raceday.
If your friends are Firework Geeks however, it has to be the 5th of November. This is not just for traditions sake. On the 5th of November you can legally let off fireworks up to Midnight. For most nights, the cut off point is 11pm.
The exceptions are New Year's Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year when the cut of point is 1 am.
In 2019 Diwali falls on October 27th.
3. Design Unforgettable Invitations
The attention span of humans today is 8 seconds. That is how long you have to convince your friends your party is the place to be.
If your guests are mostly 20 somethings, then shoot a quick and quirky video and post it on WhatsApp or Instagram.
For families and mixed ages, why not send an artistic card with a small slice of Parkin. Now if you are from the South, you are probably wondering what on earth Parkin is, so we have included a recipe below.
Whether you choose the video or the card, be sure to include all the relevant information and double-check the address.
Ask for RSVP's and follow up with a phone call or a text a week later.
4. Put A New Spin On Traditional Bonfire Night Foods
You can not beat the traditional Guy Fawkes food menu. They are dishes proven for centuries to warm the cockles of your heart. They are also easy to eat standing up with gloves on. However, with a little research, you can find some simple recipes that will awe your friends.
We have included a list of recipes with links to get you started.
Treacle Toffee also known as Bonfire or Plot Toffee from Yorkshire Grub
Baked Potatoes from BBC Good Food
5. To Stand Out From The Crowd Give Your Party A Theme
How about a themed fancy dress party? Steampunk or Plotters and Jacobeans are a couple of ideas.
If your garden is large enough, create a red carpet entrance by lining a pathway with slow-burning wax torches. Ask your guests to cheer and photograph new arrivals. This is a sure way to break the ice and make your guests feel special.
If your group is not into fancy dress, then simply choose theme colours and apply them to the invites, food and decorations.
6. Support Your Local Firework Shop
Typically dedicated firework shops have a more exciting selection than Supermarkets. They are often staffed with self-confessed firework geeks. If you shop early before the rush, at a well-recommended shop they should be happy to spend time with you.
Check on Google for local stores and read the reviews. Look for firework shops that are open year-round as the staff will have an in-depth knowledge of their stock. Let them know the size of the venue and the age of your crowd. They should be able to advise you on the most appropriate selection.
On no account buy your Fireworks from unlicensed, fly-by-night dealers.
Fireworks should be marked with BS (British Standards) or CE (the new EU rules) labels. This indicates they have been rigorously tested for safety.
7.Choose A Varied Selection Of Fireworks
Think about what you will need for an outrageously fantastic display.
Start with low-noise, ground-level effects; to signal the start of the show, without overly startling younger guests. Build with sequences of mid-level to high-level fireworks. Consider a large cake and some massive rockets for the grand finale.
An idea that is growing in popularity is to ask each guest to bring a firework. Ask your shop if they are willing to keep a registry of your selection behind the counter. Include clear directions of how to get to the shop on your invitation. Add a note saying all fireworks are welcome if they can not get to your preferred shop. You do not want to turn into Hostzilla.
8.Prepare Your Location With Safety In Mind
The best spot for the bonfire is away from overhanging trees or buildings that can be damaged by sparks. There should be room for people to mill around without risk. Unless you have a huge garden or an open field, keep your fire a reasonable size.
Always contain your bonfire in a fire pit or fire bed. A fire bed is a hollowed-out section of ground surrounded by bricks.
The fireworks should be lit from an area as far away from the bonfire as possible. Read the labels to ensure you have what you need to secure the fireworks.
Young or sensitive children may prefer to watch the fireworks from an upstairs window. This will lessen the noise and give them a clear view of the pretty colours.
If you have space, consider adding a small campfire for toasting smores and sausages. For small gardens, this is also a good substitute for a raging bonfire as it can be removed before the fireworks are brought out.
Decorate with fairy lights and Autumn-themed decorations.
9. Add A Little Flair
Delve into your creativity to find some unique touches. What's at stake here is your reputation as the Hostess with the Mostess.
Fill a large stockpot with mead and plunge in sizzling hot pokers.
Arrange a sparkler writing demonstration.
Mix a soundtrack to coordinate with the fireworks.
10. Celebrate Safely
Always follow the firework code.
• Have a designated firework lighter who refrains from alcohol until after the show.
• Keep fireworks in a closed box.
• Follow the instructions on each firework.
• Light them at arm's length, using a taper.
• Stand well back. Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn't gone off, it could still explode.
• Never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them.
• Always supervise children around fireworks.
• Light sparklers one at a time and wear gloves.
• Never give sparklers to a child under five.
• Keep pets indoors.