5 Firework Contests for 2019
Firework competitions around the globe are becoming increasingly popular. They offer a chance to view out-of-this-world firework displays from the top international pyrotechnic companies. Firework displays fill us with joy in part because they are so ephemeral. Video can not begin to capture the extraordinary experience of a live event. Check out these 2019 dates for a chance to create memories that will last a lifetime. Some will appeal to world travellers, others can be viewed for the price of a train ticket.
2019 top firework contests
1.The International Festival Of Pyrotechnic Art - Courchevel
Thursday 14th February 2019, Thursday 21st February 2019, Thursday 28th February 2019, Tuesday 5th March, Thursday 7th March
At The International Festival of Pyrotechnic Art, four teams compete, each team performing one display. This year the first night is Valentines. I can not think of a more romantic location to celebrate amour.
The fabulous pyrotechnic displays are intensified by the snowy backdrops and live music. Courchevel’s festival is opened with a torch-lit procession of ski instructors and their students skiing down the mountain. This feature has become so popular many resorts now offer night torch skiing as an activity. As the crowds sip their mulled wine there is an atmosphere of old-world magic and wonder
2.International Fireworks Competition Hanover
18 May 2019: France - FANTASIAS
01 June 2019: Brazil - Fireworks do Brasil
24 August 2019: Sicily - Pirotecnica Vaccalluzzo
07 September 2019: Czech Republic – MAKALU Fireworks
21 September 2019: Japan - Marutamaya Co.
Taking place at the Herrenhäuser Gärten in Hanover this is an International event with professional display companies from 5 nations competing for the honours. Once again the location adds a stunning backdrop. The baroque Herrenhäuse Palace is a vision out of fairy tales when lit by starbursts and peonies. The displays are spread across the summer so it would be costly to take in more than one or two. However, if you get the chance to view a couple of displays you can be sure of 25 minutes of awestruck wonder.
3.The Honda Festival of Light Vancouver
July 27th to August 3rd
This week-long Pyromusical competition features 3 firework companies from 3 nations, competing with 25-minute displays. During the day there are bands, food stalls and craft markets to keep you busy. Taking place on the beautiful English Bay the exquisite combination of musical choreography, ocean and fireworks ensure this is one of Canada’s best-loved festivals.
In 2017 the 150th anniversary of the founding of Canada the displays were extra special. The competitors were required to include one iconic Canadian song in their display. The songs were chosen by fans on Honda’s Celebration of Light Facebook page. Team Japan was lucky enough to draw Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. As a huge Leonard Cohen fan, I am not surprised they won. While video rarely does justice to firework displays check out this rare exception, Team Japan on Youtube.
4.The British Firework Championships - Champion of Champions Event- Plymouth
Plymouth 14th - 15th August 2019
Star Fireworks Championship Winning Display
The Display That Brought Us Our Double Championship Win
You better mark your calendars for this one! Always a fantastic contest, this year is a Champion of Champions event. Champion of Champions events take place once every 6 years. Winners from the last six years compete against the reigning champion in what is sure to be two nights of jaw-dropping majesty. The reigning champion is, of course, our own Star Fireworks. We will be pulling out all the stops to retain our title and would love some support from our home fans.
Designed to be watched from the Citadel and The Hoe, Plymouth locals all have their favourite spot to watch the stunning displays reflected in the harbour. Bring a blanket and a picnic, lie back and watch the skies explode.
5.The British Musical Fireworks Championship
27th September - 29th September
Growing up in the North of England, Southport was the place to be on summer weekends. Now the British Musical Championship attracts guests from all over the UK and Europe. An added dimension of this display is the importance of the choreography. Fabulous music always stirs the emotions, add fireworks and a skilled display team and you have a recipe for heavenly ecstasy.
Set in Victoria Park with its graceful trees and iconic bandstand there is plenty of room for guests to find a good viewing spot. Seven teams compete with 16-minute displays spread over three days. Short intense displays over a three day weekend make it easy for fans to stay involved and watch the complete competition. Tickets for all three days are only £21, that is quite a bargain when you compare it to most music shows.